Just Stop!

I sometimes write about things that hit me randomly and put them up on Instagram. The above is what happened a few days ago, when I only had minutes and words crept in. Sometimes people show up in your life, say something to you and you remember that you worthy and capable of so much more. And sometimes something about them lights a creative fire in your thoughts.

They remind you of what you want and more importantly who you are. I set aside needs, goals and desires to take care of others in my life. Sometimes I get so lost in caring for others I forget about me. Actually more than sometimes.

I think we run from what has hurt us in the past, thinking if we run fast and hard enough it will never happen again. So this made me think, am I so busy running that I am passing right by that which I seek?? Maybe I am so busy looking for what I don’t want that I am missing what I do want. Just because someone hurt you or something didn’t turn out right doesn’t mean it will happen again. So if you fear being hurt in a relationship or friendship because you have been betrayed and someone amazing comes along but you don’t even entertain the idea of allowing them in your life you may miss something wonderful. Think about the bad situations that you have been through. There had to have been some good there at some point. Typically these situations didn’t start out bad. You would have missed the good or even great moments if you hadn’t taken the risk. Just because someone doesn’t know how to love you or treat you, doesn’t mean there isn’t someone else who will. People are strange and most times don’t realize what they have until they have risked it in some way or until its completely taken from them. All the bad times or grief you have been through has made room for new people, experiences and opportunities, sometimes teaching us powerful lessons along the way. I say let people judge you and even reject you, not like we have a choice in that matter anyway. Learn from it and press on. They are showing you who they are and more importantly what you don’t deserve…they are making room for the new in your life. Clearing old stagnant situations, creating growth and room for whats to come.

So much has happened and changed in the last several years. Separation, divorce, decisions, let downs…I think those are the worst. The breaking of trust. The impact the treatment of others can have on your life, your mental and emotional well-being. People who I thought I knew, I didn’t. Hearts I thought were pure, were not. Character…..says a lot about a person. One of my favorite women comes to mind – Dr. Maya Angelou, “When people show you who they are, believe them”. I regret very few things in my life, my biggest is not honoring myself for many years. I was who I thought I should be, who I thought people wanted me to be. When I realized how detrimental this was to me and those around me it was a powerful, often trying, transformation in life.

I am here, whole, sometimes broken, but aren’t we all in some way? I do the best to be the best version of me. I still struggle with internalizing things, with judgement of others and how it affects me. I don’t open my mouth enough and take things personally that I shouldn’t. This is where that character thing comes into play..where they show you who they are.

Bottom line….Live the life you want, make decisions based on your happiness.

And once again…we pass by this way only once.

Peace for your Friday ❤

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